Wednesday, 3 December 2014
Thursday, 6 November 2014
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
Monday, 20 October 2014
Monday, 13 October 2014
Inderpendent Writing
The worst mistake I ever made was when I broke my hand for the first time, ever in my life. I felt hurt and excited because it was my first time breaking my hand but i was still a little embarrassed for falling like that in front of heaps of different people so it goes like this, happen to me before. We were at the airport when my uncle told me to push the trolley that holds your luggage and I was pushing it and I decided to put my feet up and BOOM! The handle fell right on my thumb and there was a quiet crack. I then stood up and saw that I broke a picture in a frame that belonged to my uncle. He was upset but after a while he cooled off because he knew that he could get a new frame.
I then went back home my mum kept on asking me why my hand is always straight like that so then i told that my thumb is broken then she took me to the doctors and then they fixed it up and i felt a bit better.
Thursday, 25 September 2014
Food in my culture
Tongan Birthdays
In the Islands of Tonga there are many things that are important, one of them is celebrating your 21st birthday. One of my favourite things that happens to celebrate, is the FOOD! When my Mum cooks it, it is yum! There are different kinds of foods at a birthday and especially a Tongan birthdays but I love my Mum’s cooking.
In Tonga there are specific types of food and my top favourite is Lu Bulumasima and Otai Meleni. In English it means Taro leaves with povi masima and Otai with Watermelon. It is a lovely meal, I love it, Sometimes we have that on Sunday but we mostly have that on 21st birthdays. For the birthday there is usually about 5-10 tables because it will be packed. That is why we Tongans book big venues for birthday or weddings.
Our food is cooked from about 2:00 o’clock in the morning and is probably done by 10:00 o’clock. Then we set up the tables with the food and fill them up. When it comes to the front table, that is where the birthday girl or boy sits, and that is the most important table. They put the most effort into decorating that table. By 1:00 o’clock it is done then the woman go back and get ready and the men stay at the venue at look after the food and wait for the people to arrive.
When the birthday is finished the mother or aunts of the birthday person come and clean the tables and packs some food for your family to take home as a gift to say “thank you for coming”. Most people after the birthday go back to the parents of the birthday person’s house and have a few drinks and then go back home to eat the food that they packed.
In Tonga there are heaps of celebrations and one of them is 21st birthday. At the birthday it is very exciting and very interesting. This is how we celebrate in my culture.
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
Favourite Movie
The Cat in the Hat is an awesome movie for the family and also for little kids. It is a comedy as well it is a sensible movie to watch it is rated “G”, If I was to rate it, I would rate it 10/10 I have been watching it since it came and that was since 2003, when I was one, November the 21 and if you ask my mum it is the truth I tell you the truth. I am always up for that movie when they ask me what movie I reply “Cat in the Hat” I just love that movie and I will always love that movie its my FAVOURITE movie.
In Cat in the Hat it is all about having fun at any kind of weather and if its raining does not mean you can’t fun you just have some fun in the house.
If you don’t have anything fun to do call the Cat in the Hat you can’t actually call the cat in the hat but you have something that is called “YOUR IMAGINATION” so just pretend and have some real fun. Go cooking or something but I love this movie because it gives you the guts to do things that are challenging so if you watch this movie make a daily hobby and if you're a teacher and you have some kids this a very good movie for them to watch and remember no matter what weather it is you can still have some fun.
Thursday, 18 September 2014
The Fence
The girl was standing by the fence as the wind passed over her skin. She stared at the clouds mumbling under her breath. She felt alone and hurt since her grandmother had gone. She stood next to the fence because that was where her nana walked her up and down when she was little girl. Now she walks alone and still can smell her nana, sense her and see her smile but she is not there anymore.
Friday, 29 August 2014
I Remember As If It Was Yesterday
I remember as if it was yesterday.
I remember as if it was yesterday when my brother and I went to the movies. When we got our tickets and popcorn we went into the cinema to try find F12 that was the number that our seats were on. We could not find it so my brother and I had to search for it. I yelled out, “here it is.” So he came running down to me and we sat down. We watched the Lorax and ate popcorn for the rest of the day. When the movie finished he gave me a hug and said you're the best sister in the world and I would come to the movies whenever you ask me. That was his birthday present from me because he was going away to Australia for a long time.
Telling where_At the top of the sky tower.
At the top of the Sky Tower you see the powerful wind passing by. You can see people beeping at each other because of the traffic jams. You can also see the people walking towards the sky tower. Isn’t it an excellent sight from up there.
Netball is a fun sport and I like it. To me it is the most fun sport there is, and I think if you try it you will like it too. If you get really good at netball, one day you might play for your country. There are three top teams and they also have rules and positions. At Panmure Bridge School we say there is no “I” in team.
In netball there are three top netball teams and the top three are:
- Australia
- New Zealand
- England
those three are coming first, second, and third they are the best top three. I have one favourite player from each of the three teams
- Karyn Bailey (Australia)
- Maria Tutaia (New Zealand)
- Joanne Harten (England)
To me that is the top players I just love them, they all are professionals.
In netball there is something you call positions and that is where it all starts your coach gives you a position to play on every Tuesday or Saturday you either just play one position or more like me I play two which is WD and GK and that stands for Wing Defence and Goalkeeper. .Netball teams have seven different positions and they are:
- C Centre
- GA Goal Attack
- GD Goal Defence
- WD Wing Defence
- WA Wing Attack
- GK Goalkeeper
- GS Goal Shoot
At my school we play netball and there are two teams and it is the year sevens and the years eight. We have two coaches, their names are Miss Emma and Mrs Sloan, they are our coaches and they are both kind coaches but if you make them mad they will be scary. We have netball every Tuesday but now we are done for the season. After every game we always have a player of the day and our coaches pick one from the year eights and year sevens who ever gets player of the day get its on friday at assembly.
Tuesday, 19 August 2014
My Xtramaths results
This is my Xtramaths results i got 19 right and 13 smiling faces and one incorrect answer.
i hope to try better next time.
Wednesday, 30 July 2014
Hexagon art
This is my Hexagon art
I used a protractor and compass for my design.
The thing I like the best about my art are the colors because they stand out and go together.
I would change the triangles and make them straighter and the same size, i would use less black around the edges...
I used a protractor and compass for my design.
The thing I like the best about my art are the colors because they stand out and go together.
I would change the triangles and make them straighter and the same size, i would use less black around the edges...
Monday, 21 July 2014
Tatiana_Where room 6 is from
When you look at this there are three colors RED and BLUE and GREEN the red is for us and where we were born and the green is where our Granparents were born
and the blue is where our parents were born...Hope you like it...
and the blue is where our parents were born...Hope you like it...
Friday, 6 June 2014
Nice Poem Work
Nice Work
Never use the word PRETTY our teacher said
it doesn’t mean anything!
Try...Beautiful, Cute, Lovely, Elegant, Charming, Joyful,
Cheerful, Glorified, Delicate.
The choice is as long as a string!
But please, never use the word PRETTY
It just doesn’t mean a thing.
Monday, 12 May 2014
Friday, 9 May 2014
Monday, 5 May 2014
Algerbra Game
Today we played the algebra game.
To play you use substitution to answer the question
It was easy because i learnt it last year so i did have that much trouble.
To play you use substitution to answer the question
It was easy because i learnt it last year so i did have that much trouble.
Wednesday, 23 April 2014
Holiday Reading
Robert the wonder chef rat
Norman Bilbrough
New Cover If you could design a new cover for the book what would it look like? Draw a picture. Post it onto your blog with the following information. -
Title: Robert the rat -
Author Norman: Bilbrough -
Type of Book: action -
Why your cover is better: Because my one is made by me and is very colorful and bright for people like me to see.
Monday, 14 April 2014
Tatiana_trip to the panmure library
We went to the panmure library and meat Mama piri,Tou and another guy and the librarian Ruth
We first we listened to a story told by Tou about the eke and the mouse then we colored the eke or the mouse in.
the second thing we did was make skirts and listen again to mama piri talk about the history of the skirt then she gave each and one of us a piece of cardboard paper and we designed it and then they chose some people to do the catwalk and then at the end we just thanked them for having us and Isabella did her mihi and then we walked back to school.
Thursday, 10 April 2014
Tatiana_transformation art.
It uses 3 media’s,pastel,crayon dye and also paint.
It also shows you 3 transformation
The first row translated
The second row is rotated
The last row is reflected
I like the colours that i picked it goes and relates to my life
Next time i would try to do better with my art.
The lightning shines and roars back at me.
While I sit and glance for my prayer down on the floor .I sit quietly rubbing my lion paws eating what I have caught.The lightning laughs at me and teases me while I try to roar back at It one more time I roar back lightning comes to an end silence Is appearing now slowly the sun comes out I
pounce back slowly into my sleeping damn time go but I’m sure there will be lighting again have a morning sleep for tonights show.
Thursday, 20 March 2014
Thursday, 13 March 2014
Tatiana I am the sea
I am the sea and I am waiting for you to swim in me.
I am the sea giving you some water for your sand castle that you are going to build with your bare hands.
I am the sea come in to me for a swim just before a teacher gives you a band.
I am the sea with the waves that are bumpy and the children in me are clumsy.
I am the sea with salt water like raw fish that tastes great.
I am the sea hearing the bus leave,
my time to go to sleep.
Tuesday, 11 March 2014
Tatiana cultural Maths
7- Fitu
⁻ Kole
× Liunga
+Ho ulu ’ulu
- Ho’olawe
× Ho’omahuahua
÷ Mahele
Thursday, 6 March 2014
Tatiana_Number for today
Today’s Number:
Write it in words
One hundred and thirty six✓
Write it as an expanded number
Add 3
+ 25
Subtract 5
- 17
Next 3 even numbers
138 140 142✓
Double it
Last 4 odd numbers
135 133 131 129 ✓
Half of it
10% of it is
25% of it is
⅓ of it is
Multiply by 6
816 ✓
x by 4
Divide by 4
÷ by 6
I had fun doing today’s number for today the thing that was easy was writing it in numbers and in words and the hard was the dividing.
Wednesday, 5 March 2014
Tatiana_place values

Our focus this unit on place value. This is the game i played with Isabella to work on my place values
the game is called Number scrabble i need to know more of my place values and work on my numbers.
P.S had fun playing the game with Bella.
Monday, 17 February 2014
Thursday, 13 February 2014
Tatiana Xtramaths results
I got more smiley faces then my ticks that means that i did it
before it got to the third circle on xtramaths and i only got four wrong but i
need to get nothing wrong
Wednesday, 12 February 2014
Monday, 10 February 2014
number for today tatiana
Today’s Number:
Write it in words
four hundred and twenty
Write it as an expanded number
Add 3
+ 25
Subtract 5
- 17
Next 3 even numbers
Double it
Last 4 odd numbers
Half of it
10% of it is
25% of it is
⅓ of it is
Multiply by 6
x by 4
Divide by 4
÷ by 6
What was esay about this was when i had to expand the number and what was hard was multiplying it by 6 and next time i will try harder.
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